This page shows businesses on The Square. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.
Games shop
Address: 32a The Square, Portaferry, Newtownards, County Down, BT22 1LR
Address: Medical Hall, 10 The Square, Portaferry, Newtownards, County Down, BT22 1LN
Post office
Address: 28 The Square, Portaferry, Newtownards, County Down, BT22 1LR
Address: 14 The Square, Portaferry, Newtownards, County Down, BT22 1LW
Address: 34 The Square, Portaferry, Newtownards, County Down, BT22 1LR
There are several other places also called The Square around Belfast and its surrounding area. Here is a list of them:
Map showing The Square in Belfast.